10 Things To Do When Design Work Slows Down.

During these slower times, I've taken the opportunity to reshape my thinking and reevaluate the flows in my creative journey. Inspired to push my artistic boundaries, I've been creating mock-ups to visualize new directions and expand my creative vision.

Here are 10 things you can try during slower times:

1. Workshops and Webinars: Attend industry-related workshops and webinars. Make sure you have outlets for learning and keeping those creative juices flowing.

2. Update Portfolio: Refresh and update your portfolio with recent works. Look for ways you can add more depth and meaning to your style.

3. Personal Projects: Create personal projects or passion projects to showcase your creativity.

4. Social Media: Increase your presence on social media platforms by sharing your work regularly. Be honest with your audience about what you are going through. Vulnerability helps build new connections.

5. Networking:
Connect with other illustrators and potential clients through social media, forums, and local events. For us introverts or those with social anxiety, many can be done online!

6. Website Improvement:
Work on improving your website, ensuring it's professional and up-to-date.

7. Client Outreach: Reach out to past clients or potential new clients to remind them of your services.

8. Experimentation: Experiment with different styles and mediums to diversify your skills.

9. Combat Negative Thinking: Often when work slows down it can be easy to become discouraged, scared, and unmotivated. This is very understandable; however, it's vital that you work to push past these emotions as they will hinder your future progress.

10. Be Patient and Compassionate: Every endeavor, business, path, or project has ups and downs. It is important to practice patience and be compassionate with yourself. The pendulum will swing the other way again, and it's great to have that to look forward to.